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Designer Vagina - Interview Clip

Updated: Dec 13, 2018

Labiaplasty. A term I'm vaguely familiar with but hadn't even linked to this project. Whilst interviewing NHS Designated Nurse Consultant Wendy Thorogood, she drew parallels between the two which I found fascinating because throughout my research I didn't come across anyone discussing Labiaplasty or it's similarities to FGM.

After listening back to my interview with Wendy, the points she made about Labiaplasty were intriguing, however it doesn't directly link to the angle of my documentary which is putting FGM on the school curriculum.

However I think the Labiaplasty argument is notable and because there wasn't much online about it's similarities to FGM, I think everyone needs to listen to it!

Wendy refers to Labiaplasty as being similar to FGM Type 3 'Infibulation' where the vaginal opening in narrowed by sealing it up. The seal happens by cutting the outer labia with or without removal of the clitoris/ inner labia. 

Listen below:

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