It’s time to start producing my seven-minute radio documentary! I will be exploring the issue of Female Genital Mutilation in the UK, in particular I will investigate the training teachers, caregivers and medical professionals are given to deal with/spot FGM. FGM is a very topical subject, so I think tackling it from this angle will make my project unique.
I’m currently halfway through Hibo Wardere’s book “Cut: One Woman's Fight Against FGM in Britain Today.” It’s such an eye-opening book and has increased my passion about this project. Inspired by the power and courage this book possesses, I messaged the author Hibo on Twitter praising her work, she responded saying she may be free for an interview. Happy days!
Although the beginning went into detail about her undergoing of FGM, what I found most interesting was reading about the complications it caused Hibo later in life. Such as how it affected her marriage and her experience with child birth. This widened my perception of FGM.
Now I have to secure interview dates with everyone I want involved in my documentary so I can start putting a plan together.